If you have any issue with the product, we will send you repair label, fix it free, and ship it back. Please don’t try to alter the product yourself as we are the experts, leave it to us and we will make it brand new for you.
If you loose a stone (up to 0.25ct for gemstones and 0.10ct for diamonds) we will replace it for free till 180 days after the purchase. Beyond that we will charge you a nominal fee as per the stone size and labor that we will have to put to fix the stone. Please remember that we are not here to make money out of repairs.
It is always advisable to get your product checked by us every six months. It will only cost you shipping cost for us to ship the product back to you after the free checkup.
The warranty of the product is void/expires if the product/products bought from TriJewels are altered, resized, fixed, changed in any form or way. If you need any help to repair or refurbish, please reach out to us we know our products better then anybody else in the industry and we will gladly help you out.
The above warranty excludes all damage caused by abuse or negligence. If you constantly misuse our products and lose stones or dent the metal, we will not be able to fix the product.
We do not offer free repairs for missing or lost part of the jewelry product and it is not covered under our limited warranty.
If you have any questions or need any further assistance, call us at 212-869-8415 or email us at: [email protected].
Repairs ship to below address:
Trinity J Inc Att: Repairs Dept. 48 West 48th St, Ste 801 New York, NY 10036 USA